Tuesday 22 January 2019

How to pay tds on sale of property

How to pay tds on sale of property   
pay tds on sale of property

How to pay tds on Flat Installment or Land Installment  

I. Steps fill form 26QB :
  1. Go to TIN NSDL website​ ( www.tin-nsdl.com ).​
Click to https://onlineservices.tin.egov-nsdl.com/etaxnew/tdsnontds.jsp
tds on sale of property
2. Steps.

Click form 26QB and select code 0020 if you are corporate payer and code 0021 if you are a non-corporate payer. Fill in all the details. 

form 26qb

3. Steps.

There are 2 modes of payment at the bottom of the page E-Tax payment immediately through net banking facility and E-Tax payment on the subsequent date  E-payment of taxes by visiting any of the bank branches . 

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